Falcon Shield
Counter Unmanned
Air System (C-UAS)
Falcon Shield’s flexible configurable system enables highly accurate detection, tracking, identification, geolocation, and mitigation of UAS threats through a complimentary, fully integrated suite of sensors and effectors.
- Key Benefits
- Key Features
- Applications
- Ease of use, low user fatigue, and training needs
- Maximizes situational awareness with low false alarm rates
- Easy interface with existing customer infrastructure
- Enables accurate geo-location of threat for hand-off to
effector, counter-measure or external actor - Enables integration with existing air defense radar installations or as a stand-alone system
- Solution for both close-in, e.g. urban canyons and long-range surveillance and threat identification
- Enables threat evaluation and confirmation at beyond effective threat range
- Aids accurate geolocation of UAV controller location when identified via EO sensors
- Electronic Surveillance to provide detection and tracking of threat elements
- Ability to optimize sensor locations and coverage
- Enables deployment in a broad range of operational requirements across a global environment
- Intuitive Human Machine Interface (HMI)
- Automated threat detection and tracking
- Open-standards IP based control interfaces
- Geospatial Information Systems
- Open-standards IP and ASTERIX radar interfaces
- Continuous 360° or sector coverage
- Federated or integrated radar solutions
- NERIO-ULR Gyro-stabilised EO payload with 360° coverage
- Family of EO payloads
- High-resolution thermal and visible band cameras
- Eyesafe laser range finder
- Electronic surveillance and attack
- Modular and scalable system architecture
- Multiple EO and RF sensors capability
- Rugged design
- Security and protection of military forces and bases
- Protection of critical infrastructure and facilities
- Safety at public, national, and government events
- Fixed, relocatable, or deployable configurations
- Sector, zonal or wide-area security and surveillance